Ask Dr. Greg - Health Q&A for Athletes
Our free column features renowned sports expert Dr. Gregory Charlop's answers to athletes' questions about diet, sleep, supplements, testosterone, mental health, and more.

Patrick Mahomes has a concussion. Now what?

The seven-week wellness plan for retired athletes
The 7 Steps in 7 Weeks elite performance plan for retired athletes. This wellness program will help men and women like you reclaim your youthful drive and vigor.

Disaster: At least 14 Miami Marlins baseball players and coaches test positive for COVID
Terrible news from the world of baseball. It seems that coronavirus is tearing through the Marlins, with at least 14 people testing positive. Here’s what we must do:

How to save the 2020 sports season: CBS interviews Dr. Gregory Charlop
CBS interviews Dr. Gregory Charlop about the six things we must do to save football, basketball, and baseball for the season. They discuss how to keep players and fans safe from coronavirus.

Dr. Charlop discusses athletes and depression on ABC
Athletes are at risk for depression during the pandemic. Canceled games, limited practice, and empty stadiums take a toll on mental health. Dr. Charlop shares the BEAT method on ABC.

How should athletes use ketones?
Athletes from cyclists to football players benefit from ketone esters. Learn how to use it to improve your sports performance.

LeBron’s secret to performing at the highest level: sleep
Basketball superstar LeBron James believes that sleep is the key to his athletic success. Read his sleep tips

Lance Armstrong discusses the use of ketone esters in the Tour de France
Lance Armstrong discusses how ketone esters improve performance in cycling

Retired Ravens player Marshal Yanda reveals the secret to his 60 lbs weight loss
Marshal Yanda explains his tips for weight loss: cutting calories and tuna!