Retired Athlete Health

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LeBron’s secret to performing at the highest level: sleep

Basketball superstar LeBron James believes that sleep is the key to his athletic success. If sleep is good enough for LeBron, it’s good enough for the rest of us! Here are his keys to a restorative night of sleep:

  • Sleep at least eight hours every night

  • Turn off your TV and phone at least 45 minutes before bed

  • Sleep in a cool (68-70 degrees), dark room

  • Sleep more than 8 hours when possible

  • Use apps like Calm to relax before bed

Here’s what James has to say:

“…when you get in that good sleep, you just wake up, and you feel fresh. You don’t need an alarm clock. You just feel like, ‘Okay. I can tackle this day at the highest level.’”


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